Preserve Our natural heritage.

Keep Airport Road Environmental and Safe (KARES) is a coalition formed of Longmont citizens. We are fighting to stop the exploitation of Longmont’s Kanemoto Conservation Easement, a landed treasure.

Will this beautiful natural asset be sold to a developer for $2.32 million dollars?

KARES is now officially sponsored by the Conservation Easement Preservation Society (CEPS), a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations through the GoFundMe fundraiser now count as charitable donations.

All donations are for legal fees only

Photo caption: a Majestic Bull Elk grazing on the Kanemoto Conservation Easement. Courtesy: Maximum Bethurim, Maxim Captures.

Where is the Kanemoto Conservation Easement located?

The Kanemoto Conservation Easement is located in Southwest Longmont along Airport Road and behind Clover Basin. As you drive South toward the Diagonal Highway on Airport Road, the conservation easement is located on the left.

View on Google Maps


Combatting Disinformation

Click below to read our detailed, truthful responses to misinformation claims circulated by local officials and organizations regarding the Kanemoto Conservation Easement.

Why we’re fighting to protect the Kanemoto Conservation easement

It is an inherently perpetual conservation easement established in 1982 to preserve the rural character of the Colorado plains.

It abuts a Riparian (stream) corridor where wildlife migrates in search of food and friends.

It is designated as Nationally Significant Agricultural Land.

It is considered irreplaceable agricultural land.

The potential termination is a violation of local and state regulations.

Nature groups have expressed a concern that a developer can buy a conservation easement for $2.32 million dollars.

Why we oppose subdivision development on the Kanemoto Conservation Easement

426 housing units forced into a tiny 40-acre lot is a high-density mini-city.

Several years of heavy construction, bulldozers, backhoes, dump trucks, excessive noise, dust, road cones, and traffic diversions on Airport Road.

Nearest amenities are more than 1.5 miles away.

426 housing units will generate 3,885 additional automobile trips each day onto Airport Road. The potential congestion will be overwhelming. View traffic report.

Local schools will suffer a significant increase in enrollment. How will this be financed? Residents of Condos and apartments pay less school taxes or none at all. But as a homeowner, you will pay for the increased cost.

The 119 and Airport Road intersection is the most accident-prone in Boulder County.

A required Land Use Assessment by the County Natural Resource Planner appears to have been suppressed.

The County Comprehensive Plan forbids Urban Sprawl and Strip Development. Every new Board of Commissioners makes another small exception. This is called Leap Frog development. The County will eventually become a metroplex.

How you can support KARES


Give to support our legal fund to fight ongoing Boulder County and City of Longmont legal actions.

All donations are for legal fees only


Email the Longmont City Council to tell them to vote NO on the annexation of the Kanemoto Conservation Easement.

Sign the Petition

The Kanemoto Conservation Easement will terminate only if the City Annexes the property. No annexation = no conservation easement termination.